Advertise on the Portal Paralelo

This page is intended for those interested in advertising their services and products on the Blog Network Portal10Paralelo.Com.

You can advertise with us in two ways:

Posting Sponsored Link:

The sponsored links of our blog are Dofollow. The dofollow links are those that allow Google and other search engines to better identify your site or blog, this strengthens your authority by showing search engines that other sites, blogs and posts are linking you.

The Advertising Posts (Publiposts) or sponsored posts, happen when an advertiser uses a Blog or Portal to promote their products, businesses or services in the form of publications. Here at Portal10Paralelo.Com publipost works as follows:

Publication of Advertising Posts (Publipost)

Announce and Learn more about Portal10Paralelo.Com:

The Blog was created in 2008, but in 2021 it evolved to Portal10Paralelo.Com undergoing a complete Layout, content manager (CMS) and technology overhaul with the aim of providing knowledge and sharing information about health, education, news and entertainment.

Over the years the blog has grown substantially, achieving great visibility, and attracting many readers interested in our topics.

Access data to Portal10Paralelo.Com provided by Google Analytics in recent months:

General Data of Google Analytics Portal10Paralelo.Com
Age and gender data from Google Analytics Portal10Paralelo.Com
Access data by devices from Google Analytics Portal10Paralelo.Com

With thousands of visitors, Portal10Paralelo.Com is an ideal site for those who want to advertise their services and/or products to a wide range of audiences.


By advertising on Portal10Paralelo.Com the advertiser agrees to the Terms and Conditions of the advertisers which can be read clicking here .

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