Learn a little about the MERREIS Token - The official currency of the PortalParalelo.Com website, its partners and affiliates.
The history of Merreis:
The word "Merreis" comes from the popular saying of the FIRST Brazilian currency that came from Portugal, whose real name was mil réis (1000 reais) in the middle of the year 1833.
Now in 2025, it was recreated as a Token by the same creators of the Brazilian news and entertainment website PortalParalelo.Com with the purpose of creating a robust digital ecosystem that connects the website's readers, rewarding loyalty and engagement.
Use of the Merreis Token:
Firstly, $Merreis can be used to obtain exclusive benefits such as access to premium content, discounts on products and services, pay for posts and sponsored links both on the PortalParalelo.Com website and on our partners.

The Future of the Merreis Token:
In the next phases, the token will also be included in brokerages so that people can use it in their daily lives to buy and sell products and services in the digital world.
Buy some MERREIS right now and come and participate in the beginning of this great project with us.
Buy the Merreis Token:
You can buy the Merreis token directly on the PumpFun website by clicking on the link: https://portalparalelo.com/buy-merreis
Useful links:
- Rug Check: https://rugcheck.xyz/tokens/EobvR5tjUTRymdDybtvhxAHqppCEv31BGmQPnre7pump
- SolanaFM: https://solana.fm/address/EobvR5tjUTRymdDybtvhxAHqppCEv31BGmQPnre7pump?cluster=mainnet-alpha
- Sol Scan: https://solscan.io/token/EobvR5tjUTRymdDybtvhxAHqppCEv31BGmQPnre7pump
- Bird Eye: https://www.birdeye.so/token/EobvR5tjUTRymdDybtvhxAHqppCEv31BGmQPnre7pump?chain=solana
Price Chart: